Ayurvedic Oil Infusion


Awaken your hair follicles with this special blend of Ayurvedic herbs infused in organic oils. They nourish, pH balance, stimulate, and boost hair growth from the scalp. The high-quality ingredients deeply absorb into the hair shaft. It is perfect for those suffering from hair loss, excess shedding, dry, itchy scalp, and breakage. Can be used on ALL hair types.

It can also effectively be used as a Hot Oil Treatment.

INGREDIENTS: Organic Castor oil, Hibiscus Powder, Bhringaraj Powder, Peppermint, Ashwagandah Powder, Amla Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Fenugreek Seeds, Henna Powder, Peppermint essential oil, and vitamin E oil.

The Ayurvedic herbs are sourced from a holistic practice long held by the Indian community - known for their luscious & healthy hair. The herbs deeply nourish, penetrate the hair shaft, and promote hair growth. This Hair Growth Oil is made with 100% all-natural ingredients to ensure the array of vitamins and minerals are intact, easily transferring onto the hair.