Flax Seeds
Flax seeds contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids available in plant form, even higher than that found in fish oil.
The flax seed is a well-rounded source of essential nutrients that keep the body functioning at optimum health and assist in developing a strong immune system.
We recommend grinding the seeds before eating for maximum nutrient absorption. It is best to grind your own flax seeds rather than buying pre-ground flax seed meal, as their rich supply of healthy omega fats starts to oxidize and degrade immediately after grinding.
Grinding your own flax seeds ensures you're maximizing the amazing health benefits of this powerful superfood!
Suggested ways include:
- Adding them to water and drinking it as part of your daily fluid intake
- Sprinkling ground flax seeds over your hot or cold breakfast cereal
- Mixing them into your favorite yogurt
- Adding them into cookie, muffin, bread, or other batters
- Mixing them into smoothies to thicken up the consistency
- Adding them to water as an egg substitute